
Overcoming Common Gutter Problems: How K-Guard Offers Solutions Where Others Fail

Have you ever personally experienced gutter problems? What about a friend, neighbor, or family member? Whether you’ve experienced it firsthand or witnessed it through someone else’s perspective, gutter problems can be a nightmare to deal with. From clogged gutters, gutter leaks, sagging gutters, and even dwelling pests, there’s a lot of room for error with […]

What is The Best Gutter Guard System?

Walking around your neighborhood or driving around others you’ll notice nearly every home has a gutter system. Most homes have gutters and downspouts around the perimeter of their roof while others have missing parts or even more components for better protection like a splash guard or gutter guards. Gutter guards are becoming increasingly popular with […]

Seasonal Gutter Care: Preparing Your K-Guard System for the Changing Systems

Congratulations on making the switch to K-Guard! You’ve installed the premier gutter system, offering homeowners superior protection from drainage issues while requiring no gutter maintenance. Our gutter product is top-of-the-line with multiple components working together to collect and drain water away from a home’s roof quickly and efficiently while keeping debris out. Your K-Guard System […]

DIY vs. Professional Gutter Installation: What Homeowners Need to Know

Certain projects around a home are safe to do yourself and some should be left to the professionals for safety and expertise purposes. For example, many homeowners opt to repaint the interior of their homes, replace flooring, install appliances themselves, etc, while some jobs like repaving the patio, replacing the roof, and others should be […]

The Importance of Gutter Maintenance in Pest Prevention

A gutter system is only as good as its maintenance, and gutters that collect debris can lead to problems like clogging, overflowing, flooding, and pests. To keep your gutters from turning into breeding grounds or entry points for pests like insects, birds, and even rodents, it’s important to maintain them well. K-Guard gutter systems are […]

The Benefits of Installing K-Guard Gutters Before Kansas City’s Summer Storms

Thunderstorm Clouds Over Suburban Houses - K-Guard Heartland

If you’ve lived in Kansas City for even one summer, you know exactly what we’re referring to when we talk about the summer storms. Summertime in Kansas City is often beautiful and sunny, but the storms that crop up can seriously pack a punch with everything from high winds and tornadoes to hail storms and […]

The Long-term Costs of Ignoring Ice Dams

Ice Accumulation on Home Gutters - K-Guard Heartland

Chilly winter months and seasons of fluctuating temperatures create the perfect environment for ice dams to form on roofs and gutters. Homeowners may opt to ignore these icy growths on their gutters, assuming they will melt and go away on their own eventually. However, ignoring ice dams is dangerous and can lead to expensive roof […]

The Hidden Dangers of Clogged Gutters: How K-Guard Protects Your Home and Health

Clogged gutters are more than a simple inconvenience. When gutters are clogged, precipitation flowing down your roof and into the gutter system pools and fills the gutter troughs instead of being directed away out and away from your home. The result is standing water and overflowing gutters which can lead to all sorts of expensive […]

How to Protect Your Home from Water Damage with K-Guard Gutters This Spring

Springtime showers may bring flowers, but those same showers can also cause water damage and mold if your home is not properly protected! Gutters are designed to collect precipitation and divert it from your home, keeping water away from your roof, siding, and foundation. However, not all gutters are created equal! Gutters can easily clog […]