Why and When it May Make Sense
We at K-Guard are extremely proud of our patented leaf free gutter system. In Kansas City and across the country we’ve installed over 32 million linear feet of gutter to the satisfaction of our customers. We know the K-Guard system is the most advanced leaf-free gutter system on the market.
However, in some cases, K-Guard may not be the best solution. Perhaps it’s due to the home’s design or the region’s unique weather conditions. In these situations, instead of residential gutters, commercial versions could be needed for your home.
How Commercial Gutters Differ
The short answer is design, size, price, and installation.
Commercial gutters are designed to simulate an open box. They have two straight sides and a flat bottom to collect and channel rain, but can be as wide as eight inches to handle the area of a commercial building.
Due to their width, these gutters are installed differently. As many commercial buildings have flat roofs, the box gutters are installed at the lip of the roofline instead of the flood plain. This represents a larger coverage area to handle regular precipitation.
The final difference is in price. Commercial gutter installation will simply be more expensive.
Why Install Commercial Gutters on Your Home?
The basic reason is to handle the amount of annual precipitation, be it in the form of rain or snow. The Kansas City area annually receives approximately 50 inches of the wet stuff. While it seems like a lot, this is spread out over a 12-month period.
However, there are other parts of the U.S. where rain or snowfall is greater. Therefore, the gutters installed would need to be wider and stronger to hold the volume of water as it drains. Here, the commercial version of the product would be better.
Commercial gutters can also make sense when dealing with very large residences. Normally, standard gutters work for average-sized homes, townhomes, and small apartment complexes. However, for residences and townhome complexes with a larger footprint, the use of commercial gutters is required.
Are There any Regulations Stopping me?
That depends on the municipality and the type of home. There may be town provisions that prevent you from installing the larger commercial gutters on your residence. Before you make any changes, it’s a good idea to speak with your Home Owners Association (HOA) or local government offices before placing an order for commercial gutters.
You also want to do this if moving into or renovating an older home. Some of these addresses are listed in the town’s or state’s historic registry. What can be removed or added to your property in the form of drainage may be limited to only a few styles. Again, you want to speak with a government representative to learn what the limitations are.
How do I go About Installing Commercial Gutters?
If all the legal hurdles have been cleared and you’ve decided on commercial gutters, hold off on installing them yourself. As mentioned, commercial gutters are heavier and need to be installed a certain way to avoid breaking off of your home’s exterior. Therefore, we recommend hiring professional installers for commercial gutters.